Wednesday, January 25, 2012

pneumonia and chicas

My sweet boy has pneumonia. He has been the sickest here than he ever was at home. He is on the mend, but I am missing these sweet little faces.

As for this one...She is keeping me busy! She loves chips as much as her mommy and refers to them as "chicas". Not sure where that came from, but she says it often!
Did I mention busy and causing heart attacks? I was in the other room for one minute and came in to find her here.I slowly walked up and didn't want to startle her - in the process of my slow walk up - I told Fernando to bring the camera- he snapped just in time as I pulled the "mountain goat" off the mountain! This very moment confirmed our limit of 2 children!


  1. Oh my!!!Sadie would have scared me to death!!! Hope Gray feels better soon!!

  2. OH MY GOSH! that would have given me a heart attack. for real.
