Saturday, December 10, 2011

K-music and queso

I took Sadie to a preview class of Kindermusic on Friday. This child loves to dance and starts to shake it when she hears any music. So, since she isn't quite ready for Abby Lee Millers (Dance Moms) studio here in Pittsburgh, I thought I would start with K-music. When I walked in I felt like the 2 from "Up all night" when they take their baby to the singing class. I am the type who gets the giggles at the wrong time (church,etc) and definitely when people sing. I was thinking I'm glad Fernando isn't here or some other friends that can't handle stuff like that. I would have been in tears. But....Sadie LOVED it and participated fully and then I found myself just as excited as her! I wish I had pics to share - maybe next week.

These words...

Gray and I have "our day" on Thursday, while Sadie is at MDO. I can take him anywhere and he just goes with the flow. He likes to cruise in the stroller. Where does time go? This little man was in the infant seat in this look at him!

I had a Friday morning paper delivery to the front door. Love this pic! She then ran away with the paper.

She is probably making up for what she did in the middle of the front yard. She has been digging like crazy. I think there are critters (groundhogs and chipmunks) and she can't stand it.

Bingo has been hanging around the house. He sometimes likes to do a early morning flight (3:30, 6:30 am). I think he remembers at the last minute to go the north pole.

We had Fernando's company party last night. For some reason I had in my head "holiday casual" and I wondered the mall trying to define that. I am not much for casual at a party, unless its at a house and involves a crock pot of queso. I Bought 3 options and re-read the invite and it said "holiday attire". So, dressy it was. Glad I did, because everyone was in cocktail attire. We had a great time and I surprisingly met red raiders from Texas and we ended up having several mutual friends.

Speaking of queso....our sweet babysitter has never had the ole rotel/velveeta I plan to make that for her asap. She is amazing! I came home to vacuumed floors, fresh laundry and sleeping children!


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