Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Grayson's first t-ball game

Grayson had his first t-ball game on Saturday. The team didn't have a practice before - so we knew it would be interesting. I packed Sadie some snacks and she ate the entire time. Hey- whatever you have to do - right?

She kept yelling - "go gray-gray, get the ball" 

My little man - #2

His helmet was gigantic - I think it weighed him down running. 

His first hit - he was directed to first base and continued running pass the base!

He kept yelling from the field and asking fernando and I questions: "Daddy, how do I know when I score a point?" " Mommy, who is that orange team?"

He did a great job. The kids definitely learned as the played. Gigi was in town, so she got to see him play.

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