Friday, November 4, 2011


We are getting hardwoods installed this week. So, that means workers, loud radio jams, nailguns and a compressor running all day. It is hard to manage a household with all that action.
I try to keep these two out of the house and entertained:

We had parent/teacher conference at Gray's school last week. The teacher said he has meshed in really well and adjusted to the new school and class. She also said he is quite the ladies' man and has a couple love matches. He married one the first week of school. Then had a new one the next week....
This is our sweet neighbor and Gray - I think the pose says it all:

Sadie was in MDO on Thursday, so Gray and I strolled the local shops and stopped in at CC's for a hamburger. CC cooks up the burger and they only take cash. She made Grayson special mac and cheese and a big bowl of ice cream. Had to go to the ATM and CC said Grayson could sit there and finish his ice cream.

As for my Sadie girl...just the usual:

We saw this on Halloween at a local hardware store...not scared at all. She was saying "HI"!
They were rocking back and was creepy.

If your looking for a turkey for Thanksgiving...come on out to the neighborhood...we have plenty. We constantly have to stop while they cross the road.

We are looking forward to the holidays! Mimi and Papa come soon for Thanksgiving. We are excited to show them Pitt and spend time with them.

I'm missing fam and all my sweet friends. Lots of them are having babies - some their first, some second and a couple of them - their third baby. I wish I could be there to hug these sweet new babies.

Well - big day here tomorrow: LSU vs. BAMA - this depends on how my Saturday evening and Sunday will be - so lets hope for a Tiger win!!

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